Fore! It’s our annual Golf Outing at Emeis Golf Course, Davenport. 7:00 AM Check-In Table opens, 8:00 AM Shotgun start. Try your luck on the 13th hole for a hole-in-one prize of $10,000 sponsored by American Bank & Trust. Enjoy a continental breakfast, catered lunch by Smokin’ Butts BBQ, golf cart and sponsor holes with cash prizes and many door prizes! 4-person teams for anyone over 21. All yours for only $60 per Club member or $70 per non-member. Registration is open now until August 1st or whenever the field of 36 foursome teams is filled for this popular event. Click HERE to view and print the registration form for completion and mailing with your check(s) payable to “Quad City Plus 60 Club”. The Registration form is also scheduled to be published on the Sunday Plus 60 page on July 2 and July 16 in the Quad-City Times and Dispatch/Argus newspapers. The Registration Form can also be requested by emailing the Club at Provide your name and email or U.S. mail address with your request.
All Local Events are planned by Plus 60. Please do not call Tri-State for registration or information regarding Local Events.