Introduction to Outreach
The Quad-City Plus 60 Club accepts Community Outreach Grant Applications from mid-September through October 31st from eligible nonprofit organizations.
The Plus 60 Club has awarded over $300,000 during the past twenty years to various non-profit organizations throughout the Illinois and Iowa Quad Cities area that provide services or specific programs to those 55 and over. Proceeds from Plus 60 events fund its Community Outreach program.
Eligible applicants are any Quad-City non-profit organization or public government unit that seek funds for a Quad-City area program or project specifically benefiting those 55 years and older. The program or project must be completed between January 1 and December 31 of the next year.
Applicants will be notified in November and the funding will be distributed in December for use during the next calendar year.
To apply, view and download the Grant Application Word Document by clicking on the drop-down menu tab labeled “OUTREACH” in the ribbon at the top of the Club’s home page at and be sure to also view and print the Community Outreach Guidelines before beginning to complete your application.
Complete your organization’s application and submit postmarked by mail no later than October 25th to:
Plus 60 Community Outreach
c/o Kathy Halter
1437 Birchwood Dr
Bettendorf, IA 52722-7117
Or, attach the completed application to an email with ”Community Outreach Application” entered in the Subject line to by the October 31st deadline.
If your organization received a Plus 60 Club Community Outreach grant in December of last year for use this year, a full detailed program report must be received by the Club before being considered for future funding for the upcoming calendar year. Browse to the drop-down menu labeled “OUTREACH” for the downloadable “CO Funded Program Report Form” if you still need to submit that program report.